Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Does This Blog Make My Butt Look Big?

I'm taking a break from frantically packing for vacation. By the time y'all read this blog I will be (fingers crossed) relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated. And a long, long way from home. The one thing I won't be is wearing my old swimsuit. It's too big. Thank you, boot camp!

I tried on what felt like a couple of dozen suits recently and none of them worked for me. Cut too high, cut too low, cut in an odd zig zag that made me think of Madonna's The Girlie Show tour costumes. There were suits that made my stomach look larger, my hips wider and my bottom, well, definitely not worth a second glance. The rest of them sagged and bagged and drooped off my shoulders. I am, it seems, a victim of that dreaded "in between" sizes phase.

That's okay. I'm fine with it. I can deal. I'd rather be wearing an ill-fitting cheapie one piece plain jane bathing suit from Wal-Mart than an expensive yet cute suit in a size I wouldn't reveal to my closest friend. And since I'm still transitioning, I don't want to shell out major bucks for a nice swimsuit just yet. Give me a little bit more time and I'll kick that "in between" phase to the curb.

"I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it".
~Michael Phelps, Six-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer~



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