Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I am a goalless drifter.

It's Wednesday. The middle of the week, and right now my only serious goal is to get to 5pm Friday unscathed.
Having run the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K I have completed my goals for 2007:
  1. Lose weight for the reunion
  2. Get medical insurance
  3. Get my mile time under 9 minutes
  4. Find out what I'm allergic to
  5. Run a 5K without having a heart attack mid sprint
  6. Make a significant dent in the writing/planning of my recording project.
Missions Accomplished. Now what?! I need more goals, new plans. Unfortunately it is not like I can put up a craigslist ad looking for goals.

"Motivated achiever seeks goals of the personal and attainable variety. Previous goals were wonderfully fulfilling but alas, have been, fulfilled. Please make yourself known ASAP so I can beat the New Year's rush."

Seriously though, setting goals is very important to your success. For me, having goals to push towards keep me in line. Stops me from zipping into the drive through and eating an entire loaf of bread's worth of toast.

Tips for setting goals.
  • Pick something you care about. Something that means something to you directly.
  • Make sure its attainable in a reasonable amount of time. Its cool to plan things that will take a year or more, just be sure there are milestone markers along the way to keep you from getting discouraged.
  • Make it VISIBLE. Write it down. Put it in a journal. Put it on a card in your wallet, put it in a frame by your bed or on your desk. Hang the skinny jeans outside of the closet so you have to look at them every day.
  • Visualize yourself achieving your goal. Keep the feeling of how wonderful it is in your mind at all times.
  • Tell someone. Tell a lot of people. Blog about it. After all, you are going to need people to celebrate with when you cross it off the list!
I'm off to find some new goals, drop me a line and let me know what your goals are.

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Blogger Mean Rachel said...

Great advice. As for my goals?

I'm still waiting on those one-handed push-ups. Maybe by 2009.

6:58 AM  

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