Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What's Your Gladiator Name?

This morning at accelerated camp SW somewhere after the delirium that sets in after doing running drills, super sets and "Ring of Fire" I mentioned that American Gladiators is returning to TV. Why is this significant? Well besides being part of my childhood, many of the gladiators are figure competitors like Amy O. and Stephanie McD. Not only is the show hosted by my friend Murph's favorite, Hulk Hogan, co-hosting is Laila Ali, who is one of my personal heroes.
As far as the show goes, they say that they are currently casting weekend warriors but what does it really take to be a gladiator? Well, in my case it will take a lot more upper body strength I think that I could do some damage in the joust but the wall. It scares me. Which means I'm going to have to find some sort of climbing wall/obstacle to tackle to get over it.
Speaking of television.
I've been watching The Biggest Loser as I type this article. It is just amazing to me the incredible weight loss they have accomplished. They did however mention a staggering statistic that 90% of people that lose weight regain it. I know this first hand because the first time I lost the weight (back in the day when I was living in Boston) I gained it back because I hadn't figured out the reason behind my overeating in the first place and I had no maintenance plan, I didn't have a plan beyond "Lose the Weight".
As we move forward to new goals and resolutions I suggest that you plan your strategy not only for getting through the holidays but beyond. Figure out a way to get regular exercise and continue to eat healthily.

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