Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When Life Gives You Lemons...

First off I'd like to thank Michelle and the Ladies at the Central Camp for putting up with me for most of this week. You other camps better watch out cause the the Central Ladies are running fast!
I got to talking with Jan G. who has a 13- year old and a 5 year old and has been working her way through Deceptively Delicious, that tricky book from Jessica Seinfeld. She says so far so good. The premise is that you take vegetable puree and you put it in regular foods, thus hiding the healthy stuff from your kids. Honestly I think this is right up my alley. Of course that is if I was eating. Which I am not.
Crazy? A little bit. Let me clarify. I am not eating solid foods and I haven't for 5 days.
I am actually doing the Master Cleanser. I drink a "lemonade" made from lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. It is actually pretty tasty. The hard part is the salt water flush every morning. Its like swallowing 32 ozs. of the ocean.
Five days and no solid foods.
How do I feel?
Well, I have a surprising amount of energy. My congestion has decreased significantly and my allergies are still there (I have a million) but much more mild. Oh and as of today I have lost 6 pounds so I'm feeling lighter, which is great for my plan to look like Tina Turner.
Please do not step into the Master Cleanser lightly. I did a lot of research before I started and talked to my nurse practioner and a nutritionist. So please read up and then consult your doctor before starting a fast.
Am I hungry?
Surprisingly no. I've had cravings, which they say is normal. Mostly for things I've seen on tv or for something to chew.
Would I dare go past 10 days?
Maybe. It had been oddly calming not having to prepare meals or wonder what to cook. Oh and not doing a bunch of dishes has been more than a little nice. Some people do this fast for 40 days. But I'm pretty sure that ten will do it for me.

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