Tightening, Toning and Talking About It
Are you starting to feel a little different than on your first day of camp? Have you had a moment when you're doing lying leg raises and you're staring at your legs and suddenly think "hey, wait a minute, those thighs look firmer"? If it hasn't happened yet, it will soon. Or, you may be one of those people who have lost weight but not yet experienced any toning. You may be looking in the mirror wondering why you look saggier now than before you started bootcamp. Never fear! You'll be tightening up the sag quickly. And you may also be talking about your bootcamp experience to anyone who'll listen. It's amazing to think what all you've accomplished so far and it's only natural to want to share that with friends, family, co-workers, the corner convenience store clerk, your dry cleaner.... LOL Tell them. Talk about how long you can hold plank or how many pushups you can do in 30 seconds. These are the many small triumphs that add up to meeting your fitness goal. Be proud! And don't be afraid to say "I couldn't jump rope for 30 seconds without tangling the jump rope in my ponytail but now I can!" (True story, I really couldn't). Give yourself a pat on the back for what you've done in the past two weeks. "Strong reasons make strong actions." ~William Shakespeare~
Inspiration...Where do You Find It?
How do you push yourself to keep going when the going gets tough? There will always be moments when you need some "oomph" to get you through a mile run or you need a metaphorical kick in the pants to get you out of bed or out of the office on time and to bootcamp. Where do you find inspiration to stick it out? I look to other people for inspiration and motivation. I find myself reading Stephanie's story over and over and the other camper testimonials. I devour any and all first person accounts of overweight and out of shape women who not only conquered their goals but exceeded them. You can find personal stories on just about any fitness magazine website out there. As you may have noticed, I also indulge in literary quotes that will encourage and support me in my battle of the belly bulge. I'm not ashamed to print out quotes that speak to me and tape them to my computer monitor at my office. Every day I read something that tells me that I can do this and will do this and will eventually win my quest to become fit. Even if I'm in a low point and don't actually believe I'm going to fit into my skinny jeans the words stick in my head and eventually work their way to my heart. And I start believing. For others, music is an important part of your workout. Fitness Magazine recently posted a list of the top 100 workout songs on their website. From C+C Music Factory's "Gonna Make You Sweat" to "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira people are energizing their workout with just the right tunes. I know I find it easier to hold plank when I'm singing along (in my head, no breath for actual singing) to "Pump Up the Jam" by Technotronic. The point is, when you need motivation, look for it. Ask for it. Search for inspiration, do whatever you need to do to keep moving ahead and staying true to your goals. We all need a boost every now and then. And you never know who may be looking to you for inspiration even on the days when you feel like you're simply plodding along. "When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another." ~Helen Keller~
Getting there...
Hey Campers! I just wanted to pop in and share some revelations with you. First off, now that you've gotten a week into camp I'm sure you are feeling some things you have not felt in a long time, maybe never. Some underused muscles perhaps? Maybe some interesting emotions being stirred up? As I round third (I'm working on the last 20lbs to my goal weight) I would like to impress upon you all to take some time to really examine how they got to where you are now. I became unfit as an emotional eater and it takes quite a lot to keep that reigned in. But its more important to me to get to my goal than to have that extra Cadbury egg. This has been a very long journey for me, I started losing the weight in 2006 and now I realize how far away from myself I got. If you don't know, I'm a singer/songwriter. I went to music school. I made a record. But life happened and it didn't get released. I gained weight and stopped performing. I was too uncomfortable in my skin to put myself out there. I was embarrassed to share my music as this bigger version of myself. So, I spent the years before 2006 hiding inside this larger version of me. When I started losing the weight I started to find myself again. I became re-involved in theatre. I started writing songs again. In fact, my producer is bringing me out to California for a week to record. So, it's years later but I am getting to what I feel I should have been doing about six years ago. Why am I sharing this? Well, I just want to encourage you all that are just getting started or those of you that are mid-stream to forge ahead because even though I don't know what will happen after this record is made, I have to say it feels amazing just getting to make it. I'll see you all in about a week! Labels: candy, goals, motivation, music
Has Anyone Seen My BENGAY®?
I know it’s been a good week at bootcamp when I fidget at my desk. My job keeps me in front of a computer for most of my work day but today I’ve been up and down like a jack in the box. Why? Revenge of the Walking Lunges. Or maybe it’s the Attack of the Squat Thrusts. And very possibly a little Achey Breaky Abs. Either way I’ve been restless, getting up to stretch often and trying to work through the ache from my umm…posterior area. What can I say? I have butt burn. So, fellow bootcampers, how was your week? First time campers, are you sore? You should be, if you're giving it all you've got. At the end of my first week of camp I was so sore that I had to use the handicapped stall in the ladies restroom at work. I needed the rails to hang onto and help lower me down and lift me up because my legs were not cooperating! It feels good, though. I like getting up and knowing from the way my body feels that I had a great workout this morning. I feel like I’m accomplishing something even though results will take a while to show up. Sure there are days when I really, really want to sleep in and have to drag myself out of bed. And those are the days when I leave camp feeling proud to be pushing myself, challenging my body and transforming it. Take care of yourselves over the weekend. Rest, relax and be refreshed because on Monday we’re back out there getting fit & firm! "Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow." ~Norman Vincent Peale~ Labels: accomplishment, rest, sore muscles
Ready, Set...Boot Camp!
Wow! Monday was a terrific start to boot camp. I was happy to see so many returning campers along with all those newbies. And new campers, you're probably feeling sore and achy even though it's only day 2 of this session. Don't despair, it does get easier. However, the instructors love to step it up for us repeaters. It may be easier but it is still a challenge! What are three most important things that will help you through this first week of camp? You have to hydrate, stretch and sleep. Hydration is a keystone in being fit. Drinking water not only gives your body what you need for your daily requirement but also helps your muscles recover. If you're asthmatic like me, please note that a new study shows dehydration can trigger bronchospasm, making it more likely to need your inhaler during a workout. As much as I love to freak out my fellow campers by not breathing, I'd much rather just get through the session without scrambling like an addict for my inhaler. The average sedentary person needs about 8 servings of water a day. A serving being 8 ounces, so a total of 64 ounces (just under 2 liters) of water every day if you are a couch potato. But we aren't sedentary, we are boot campers! A general rule of thumb for maintaining good hydration is to drink 3 liters of water a day. And drink 1 cup about 10 minutes before exercise and 1 cup every 15-20 minutes of exercise. Cool water is absorbed faster than warm water. Does 3 liters sound like it's way too much? Buy a liter water bottle. Fill it. See how fast you actually do drink water. You'll be surprised at how easily you drink that amount even if you're one of those people who say "I don't like water" or "I can't drink if I don't feel thirsty". Did you know that as Americans we are so perpetually dehydrated that we often mistake the body's thirst signal as hunger? With well hydrated muscles, you'll feel less achy after camp. Don't ignore stretching, though. If you spend 30 minutes doing easy stretching each day your muscles will become more flexible. Better flexibility means less energy output with more efficiency. Who doesn't want that?? Sleep! Make the effort to get to bed. I know, I know, this isn't so easy when you have a husband or wife or kids or pets or friends who love to stay up late socializing. Think back to childhood. Remember when Mom sent you to bed because "it's a school night"? Well, it's a boot camp night. Go to bed. On time. You'll have more energy and your brain will be sharper. I know my brain needs sharpening so I'm setting the alarm clock right now...to remind me an hour before bedtime to start turning off the computer, the tv or stereo and lowering the lights. That sets the mood and tells your body and mind that it's time to relax before it's actually bedtime. Drink, stretch, snooze...how easy is that? Super easy! Have a fabulous week at camp and I'll see ya'll out there. For some of you it's been a tough couple of days. Hang in there! Seize your chance to make a difference in your health and fitness. "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." ~Thomas Alva Edison~
Pushing It.
First off I would just like to give an early congratulations to all of the participants in the accelerated program this week. I hope that you are all feeling stronger and more empowered about living a healthy lifestyle. I know I am. I am also quite sore. Right now, as I type this I am attempting to sit upright (good posture promotes good health!) but it seems that I can only muster a slumped semi tilt on the couch where I am working today because my glutes have decided my office chair is too hard. My forearms are resting on my laptop and only my fingers are moving. I think they are the only part of me this morning that is not sore. It's a good soreness. I will admit that until a couple weeks ago I was not giving my all at camp. I had grown contented with my routine and don't get me wrong, the workouts were challenging but there is something to be said for giving 100%! For those of you that don't know my story, over the last 15 months I had lost sixty pounds. That being said, even though I had not hit my goal weight, I had convinced myself that I was fine, I had lost a lot of weight and I could live happily on my little plateau. But inside I still longed to wear those skinny jeans in the closet, still wanted to reach the goal I had set out for myself. But I didn't want to work harder and I backslid. I put on eight pounds before I realized what I was doing. I had yet to tackle the problems that led me to gaining the weight in the first place. I can say first hand that losing the weight has been a very emotional journey. I didn't realize how much I was hiding under the pounds until they were gone. But I'm taking control. I am recommitted to my goal weight and headed in the right direction. I am officially in the home stretch! I have 19.4 lbs to go to reach the high range of my weight loss goal. I would like to invite all of you (SW am class we talked about this today) to step it up a notch or two. Over my 15 month career as a boot camper I have gone from 5 pound weights to 12 pound weights. The twelves are definitely a challenge and I usually take a lighter set (10lbs) along but for the accelerated week I decided to suck it up and use just the Twelves (truth be told I was tired of carrying both). Now I am not expecting you all to toss your Fivers into the wind and haul around 25 pounders. But the next time you pick up your weights (especially you multiple camp repeaters) think about upping the weight. Push yourself to get more reps in during the timed segments. Kick up your pace on the running drills. I've been forcing myself to try and keep up with Kim and Carl all week. Take the leap, get out of your comfort zone and push yourself. Your coach and your camp will support you but only you can find your true 100%. “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”Labels: Boot Camp, goals