Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tightening, Toning and Talking About It

Are you starting to feel a little different than on your first day of camp? Have you had a moment when you're doing lying leg raises and you're staring at your legs and suddenly think "hey, wait a minute, those thighs look firmer"? If it hasn't happened yet, it will soon.

Or, you may be one of those people who have lost weight but not yet experienced any toning. You may be looking in the mirror wondering why you look saggier now than before you started bootcamp. Never fear! You'll be tightening up the sag quickly.

And you may also be talking about your bootcamp experience to anyone who'll listen. It's amazing to think what all you've accomplished so far and it's only natural to want to share that with friends, family, co-workers, the corner convenience store clerk, your dry cleaner.... LOL Tell them. Talk about how long you can hold plank or how many pushups you can do in 30 seconds. These are the many small triumphs that add up to meeting your fitness goal. Be proud! And don't be afraid to say "I couldn't jump rope for 30 seconds without tangling the jump rope in my ponytail but now I can!" (True story, I really couldn't). Give yourself a pat on the back for what you've done in the past two weeks.

"Strong reasons make strong actions."
~William Shakespeare~


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