You Know You've Had a Tough Boot Camp Work Out When...
- You drive home from camp but have trouble heaving yourself out of the car once there. Briefly consider staying in the car or calling for help.
- You buy Advil in bulk.
- Your muscles are so sore that you walk slower than your elderly aunt and you're considering borrowing her walker--it has wheels.
- Your co-workers think your new perfume is menthol based.
- There's no worries over cheating on your diet. Eating would require getting up and the refrigerator is just too far away from the couch.
- Your friends discuss their favorite wine at happy hour and all you want to know is if Gatorade that's been diluted by 50% will still re-balance your electrolytes after a particulary sweaty hour of lunge-a-palooza.
- You wait for the restroom stall that has handicapped rails in it just in case you sit down and can't get back up unassisted.
- Your family asks you to wash your workout clothes immediately.
- You believe that after making it through the drills that day your body should automatically drop a dress size.
- You fall into bed at 8:30pm to watch the news but pass out before the anchor gets through the lead story.
- You are a member of Austin Adventure Boot Camp. We have a tough workout before most of Central Texas has their first cup of coffee.
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