Saturday, April 05, 2008

Stronger, Leaner & Harder

Stronger, leaner & harder. That should definitely be how you're feeling this weekend. And after Friday's workout some of you (me) are feeling the need to do some stretching. It was a great week at camp!

It's great to see muscle definition and inches loss. It's gratifiying and thrilling to know you can do more than you originally thought you could. Holding plank longer than ever, doubling the amount of leg raises and pushups you can do in a minute...these are all the end results of the hard work you've done in boot camp.

Take some time to pat yourself on the back this weekend. Spend a few moments thinking about how far you've come in a short while and envision what you'd like to accomplish in the weeks and months ahead. Some people use boot camp as a jumping off point, a kickstart to their training. Others come to camp to add to their normal work out routine, give it some sass and pizzazz. Whatever the reason, the results are what matter.

So celebrate! We spend so much time being a cheerleader for our family and friends that it's easy to overlook cheering for ourselves. Reward yourself, you deserve it!

"Some men dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them."


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