Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fitness Evals Frenzy

Today was fitness evaluations. Repeat campers are comparing their stats to previous ones and setting goals, planning for more, more, more results. If you're a new camper, you're indulging in one of two different patterns of thinking. The first is "Wowsa!! I never believed I could do so well!" and the other is " ya think anyone else did less than me?". For those of you in the "wowsa" category just hold on to the excitement. You'll be even more thrilled next time.

And those who may be disappointed in their performance or worried that you just don't have what it takes to be a boot camper, don't despair. Just by showing up to boot camp you've done more than most of Austin.

It's easy to go rough on ourselves. We are our own worst critics, after all. And even repeat campers can fall into a hole we dig for ourselves when we set a goal but don't meet it. Yeah, it happens. Don't let missing your mark set you back or bring you down. Think about why you may have done less than you expected, but do so in realistic terms. If you identify the problem (missed camp days, less than stellar amounts of sleep, poor hydration) you can work on it. If you can't figure out why you didn't achieve your goal then look at the goal itself. Is it unrealistic at this point? We want to challenge and be challenged but we don't want to set ourselves up for failure. Self-sabotage gets you nowhere.

Fitness evals are designed to get a baseline of where you are right now so that at the end of camp you can see how far you've come. Along with the pre-camp weight and measurements, the evals give you concrete evidence of a higher level of fitness. It's a simple statement but if you are giving it your best at camp and eating healthfully you will see improvement no matter if you're a workout goddess adding oomph to your normal routine or a recovering couch potato starting on her first exercise regime in decades.

So tack those numbers from today up on your bulletin board or tape them to the fridge. Own 'em. And work to move forward, to add more to what you can do. You have what it takes. You have the drive and the ambition or you wouldn't have shown up at all. Harness that and your positive thinking. Find a mantra and use it. Or use mine: "Tina Turner legs". I also like "derrière to derri-RARR!". Do your best and you won't be disappointed.

"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination."
~Norman Vincent Peale~


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