Thursday, May 01, 2008

Gearin' Up

Before I ever started out on my journey to fitness, I had athletic friends. Lean & tan cyclists, hardcore marathoners and triathletes have one thing in common: get them in a room and unless they're talking about their favorite post workout alcoholic beverage then they're discussing gear. Specifically, talk will turn to technical fabric clothing and proper foot attire.

You may not think that an hour of bootcamp necesitates a trip to REI, Academy or another sporting goods store but my fit and fab friends would say otherwise. Wearing the right clothes and shoes to camp will benefit you more than you realize.

Cotton tee shirts are fine to get dirty in but don't wick moisture away from your skin. Technical fabrics used in running, cycling and other sport clothing are manufactured to pull dampness away from your skin and to the outer fabric so that it can better evaporate. Your skin feels cooler and your clothes feel looser. Sweaty cotton tees have a tendency to grip your skin and leave you feeling as if you're wearing a wet blanket. Trust me, once you start wearing active wear made with technical material you'll never work out in a cotton tee shirt again.

Wicking socks are great, too. Drier toes mean less chance of blisters. It also means less stinky pinkies...if you suffer from odorous feet. There are different thicknesses of socks to choose from, some that are thicker and more well padded and others that are thinner. I like the thicker and more warmer socks in the winter and the thin ones for summer.

Running shoes are expensive. It's true. It's difficult to find a good fitting shoe for an inexpensive price. If you run often, keep track of your mileage. Running shoes should be replaced about every 300-500 miles, depending on a few factors. Serious runners will replace their shoes once every six months. But running shoes are essential for boot camp. The support and tread is exactly what you need to get you through the drills and runs.

Equipping ourselves correctly may seem like a small factor in the whole grand scheme of things but think of it this way: we're out there bustin' it, working toward our goals. Why not invest in the little things that will help us out, make us more comfortable and keep us at our best?

"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action."
~Napolean Hill~


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